In This 8 Week Cycle for Fat Loss We’re Offering 2 of the Most Effective Products on Market For Definiton and Fat Loss.
They are – Oxandrolone and Clenbuterol
- Clenbuterol speeds up metabolism, which leads to a greater fat loss, especially if you combine this cycle with atleast 2 cardio trainings per week.
- On the other hand Oxandrolone defines muscles, stimulates growth hormone production in your body, protects against catabolism on low calorie diets.
- Products doesn’t affect liver, therefore there no need for a liver protection products.
- Oxandrolone is a anabolic steroid, that’s why it’s necesary to have Post Cycle Therapy with Tamoxifen as a product. PCT starts 1 week after last Oxandrolone tablet
It’s possible to burn 6-7kg of fat in 6-8 weeks, which is astonishing result.
Recommended doses:
1) Oxandrolone – 3 tablets per day – Morning/Afternoon/Evening
2) Clenbuterol – 2 tablets per day – in morning on emtpy stomach and afternoon
3) Tamoxifen – 2 tablets per day for 1st week. Then 1 tablet for last 3 weeks.(PCT) – 1 week after last Oxandrolone tablet
Total Products Required for Cycle:
1) x2 Oxandrolone = 80.00€
2) x2 Clenbuterol = 50.00€
3) x1 Tamoxifen = 30.00€
Products: 159.99€
Total: 159.99€ for complete 8 week cycle with included Post Cycle Therapy
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